Monday, April 19, 2010

A lot has happened since Sarah died.
I tried to bring my best friend back to reality.
She's still not really alright, but I guess you know that too.

Josh threatened suicide, again.
I believed it for a while.

I became a rock for everyone to lean on. It was easier than giving in to pain.
I realized that if my focus wasn't exactly perfect on You, I couldn't be a rock.
I learned this the hard way, with a very public break down in the middle of class.
Yay me.

Jare and I broke up, mainly because of my stress levels, partially because neither of us really knew anymore what we wanted out of our relationship.

I stopped believing Josh.

I feel bad, and I still don't know if it's the right thing, but I can't be around him

I fought with You, a bunch.
I'm still a little sad with you, a little bit.
I don't really know what you want of me

Books and life and evil seem to have messed me up.
I guess, in a way, I messed myself up.
A little bit.

A lot.

I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.

Can we start over?
I really want to know you

-Love, daughter

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